At Manuchar, we want to enhance the lives of our employees and local communities. Therefore, we commit to improving their wellbeing, and providing a safe and healthy working environment. We respect and support education and lifelong learning opportunities as a human right. We are working towards SDG Goals 3, 4 and 8.
Community EmpowermentManuCare
At Manuchar we care about the communities in which we operate. We see the results every day: community projects really do make a difference. We have launched our global social responsibility program ManuCare where we support initiatives that improve the lives of our communities.
Manuchar focuses on children’s education, improving their schools, and offering internships or other vocational training. By providing capacity-building opportunities we hope to significantly reduce the proportion of young people and adults who are unemployed or receiving minimum education or training.
Employee EngagementManuChamp
Our employees are our most important assets, and we acknowledge their exceptional commitment and dedication. We encourage and reward our colleagues through our global ManuChamp program. We want to further boost the motivation of our employees by providing guidance in their career path and offering training opportunities. We implement a standardized employee management approach on working conditions. This includes ensuring a livable wage and freedom of association.

Occupational Health
At Manuchar, we place the highest priority on ensuring the physical and mental health of our employees. Our aim is to train, empower and protect our colleagues. Various wellbeing initiatives are proactively driven across the organization. We implement workplace health promotion programs, offer health screenings and provide education on prevention and disease management topics. All lost-time injuries within the Manuchar group are reported on and followed up with a root cause analysis.

Diversity & Inclusion
We are committed to ensure our employees are treated with respect. Manuchar attaches great value to and has respect for the diversity of our staff. We support the principles of equal opportunity and the protection of human rights. As a group we commit to treat everyone fairly and equally and prohibit any form of discrimination. This includes any distinction, exclusion or preference based on personal characteristic, such as age, gender identity, ethnic background, sexual orientation, political opinion, nationality, religious beliefs, physical or mental disability.