At Manuchar, we fight against corruption in all its forms, including bribery and extortion, under SDG Goal 16. Our transparent governance framework ensures that potential risks are understood, managed and communicated. We are committed to empower and train our workforce to prevent and combat all forms of organized crime, including cybercrime.
Business Ethics
Manuchar aims to maintain and strengthen trust and transparency between our employees and business partners. Our Manuchar Group Code of Conduct describes the principles that govern behavior when in the workplace or when representing Manuchar. We commit to provide guidance to our employees on how to create an ethical working environment and when to speak up. We develop mechanisms to express grievances in case of unethical behavior. Specific awareness programs are implemented to empower our employees to identify and address common business ethics issues that might arise in a workplace, such as bribery, corruption and money laundering.

Risk Management
While running a global business involves risks, Manuchar ensures that potential risks are understood, managed and – when appropriate – communicated. We apply an integrated risk management approach to improve our decision making and performance in general. We provide guidance in the form of policies, procedures and guides on the management of risks that potentially have a large negative impact on stakeholders or the environment, even if they do not appear likely to materialize. The risk management processes in place across the Manuchar group are continuously updated to improve their effectiveness.

Business Continuity
In an ever-changing world, a solid crisis management system is crucial to adapt to sudden challenges. Manuchar takes a proactive approach to the actions necessary for dealing with such emergency situations and the aftermath of these events. We ensure mitigation actions are taken to secure the continuity of our supply chain. All Manuchar sites are required to have an effective crisis management and business continuity plan in place. Coordination of actions and designation of responsibilities form the basis of these business continuity plans. At Manuchar, we keep your production running. Anytime. Anywhere.

Information Security
At Manuchar we are continuously improving our systems to deal with the ever-increasing threat of cybercrime and information security risks. Manuchar is committed to securing its sensitive data and information, data sources and information systems, as well as the private information we hold relating to other parties. We implement controls to prevent loss, improper disclosure, or misuse of this data. Policies, principles and objectives exist to ensure that all IT environments and associated business-critical applications and systems within the Group are adequately protected and controlled to the standard and quality expected.