Manuchar wants to minimize the negative consequences of climate change. We are therefore committed to preventing and reducing the impact of our operations on the environment. We commit to the Paris agreement of limiting global warming to well-below 2 degrees Celsius and the EU Climate Law of a climate-neutral European economy and society by 2050. SDG Goals 13 and 14 have been adopted as strategic focus areas.
Renewable Energy
As part of our business activities we consume electricity and different types of fuel in our facilities. We implemented group-wide energy reporting in 2018 and have steadily improved our environmental reporting to identify our energy-saving potential.
Our target is to have renewables meet 50% of our energy needs by 2030. We demonstrate our commitment to this target through the initiation of renewable energy projects. These include solar photo-voltaic installations and the replacement of diesel forklifts with electric forklifts at our facilities across our organization.

Net Zero Carbon
Manuchar recognizes our responsibility to protect the environment and to reduce our carbon footprint across the organization. Our pathway to net zero carbon includes visibility, reduction and investing in the protection and regeneration of our environment. We have set a target to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 CO2e emissions by 50% by 2030.
To achieve these targets and reach our ambition of net zero by 2050, we will accelerate our decarbonization with a phased transition to renewable power wherever possible. We are also committed to actively engage in partnerships to explore ways to improve environmental performance across our value chains.

Water and Natural Resources
Manuchar continuously works to minimize the environmental impacts of our business activities on soil, water and air. Water stress is a growing global concern and the availability of clean water and sustainable water use have never been more important. Although our water demand is low, we treat water as a scarce resource. We have committed to reduce our water footprint by 50% by 2030. The reduction of plastic consumption and prevention of marine waste are important components of our environmental program. We are committed to eliminate water pollution across all areas of the value chain, to ensure the health of aquatic ecosystems and the communities that depend on them.

Waste Management
At Manuchar we are committed to the sustainable and compliant management of waste. To prevent and reduce the generation of waste, we work alongside our supply chain partners to drive circular solutions.
Our operations worldwide are committed to reducing, reusing, recycling, repairing and reselling waste before responsibly disposing it to landfill. As a measure to set specific targets for waste reduction, we systematically report the volumes of various waste types including operational and office-generated waste. We have set a target of reducing our waste to landfill by 50% by 2030